A Division of the Northeastern Region (NER) of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA)

Member Activities

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Great Train Extravaganza - December 3rd 2023

Here are some of the modeling activities that our members are working on during our Division activity hiatus. Click on the members name to go to their page to see what they have been working on

Artie Krass

While I can not take credit for the fantastic weathering of the following hopper cars that will make up the future McChesney Turn and the Propst Turn consists on The RTK - I can take pride in now having these fine examples of coal hoppers on the roster of The RTK. The McChesney Turn and the Propst Turn will be daily runs serving the HB Coal Mine and the HB Coal Mine Yard on The RTK.

All of the photos were taken in the Holper Staging Yard on The RTK

The following hoppers will make up the McChesney Turn

The following hoppers will make up the Propst Turn

I have not only been working on the trackwork and wiring for The RTK but I am also catching up on my kit building so as to hone my scratch building skills. Here is a shot of the Monster ModelWorks Wormer Furniture Company - walls assembled and painted awaiting doors, windows, roof and details. By the way Monster Modelworks is back open - really enjoy their kits!

Also working on re-purposing the Nick & Nora Designs Art Huck's Repair Shop into a yard building for the Adam's Yard on the RTK. Walls are painted, interior walls have been covered with planking from Clever Models texture paper. Also creating interior flooring and office space with lighting inside and out.

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