A Division of the Northeastern Region (NER) of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA)

Best Of

Hudson Berkshire Division Links

HBD Facebook

HBD Yahoo Group

Great Train Extravaganza - December 6th 2025

Here are some of the Best Of tips, articles, handouts from members of the Hudson Berkshire Division

Vic Roman's formulations from his rock carving clinic:

Ballast and scenery glue:

Hydrocal mixed to peanut butter consistency

Tony Steele's "Better Yard Design" clinic notes from the February Operations presentation can be found here

Rich Smith's "Train Order Excel Spreadsheet" from the February Operations presentation can be found here

Here is the Don Weeks interview with VP Rich Smith

Dispatching Clinic Handouts

Henry Probst/Greg Whittle: Track Warrants here

Ralph Balfort: Dispatching Rules and Forms here

Tom Rhodes: Fitchburg Northern examples here

Rich Smith's Dry Brushing Clinic Handout is here

Signs for your buildings from the Make 'n Take Clinic given in November 2012, (NOTE: this is a 19MB zip file) can be found here

Jeff Brzezinski's EBay Clinic can be found here

John Tyndall's Gatorfoam presentation notes can be found here

The complete text of the letter sent to NMRA President Getz' in March of 2013, along with the email correspondence can be found here