A Division of the Northeastern Region (NER) of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA)

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Great Train Extravaganza - December 6th 2025

The Hudson Berkshire Division

The hobby of Model Railroading is a fascinating pastime that can be shared by young and old alike! It can be a wonderful family activity that stresses creativity and togetherness. Unlike other leisure-time activities, model railroading doesn't have a right and wrong way to do things. You can participate in the way that works best for you. And, since you've customized the hobby to your tastes and needs, you're definitely going to have a good time. Model railroading offers a range of fun and excitement. You'll get to work with your hands, work with your mind, and have a great time exercising your imagination as you express yourself through something uniquely your own.

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We are Division #7 in the Northeastern Region and encompass the area in red on the map