A Division of the Northeastern Region (NER) of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA)

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Great Train Extravaganza - December 3rd 2023

Here are some of the modeling activities that our members are working on during our Division activity hiatus. Click on the members name to go to their page to see what they have been working on

Bob Hamm

I like the discussion going on about weathering, and it's great beyond the specific subject because of where we are with the pandemic. Many of us are hunkering down at home and spending far too much time in front of the tube, myself included. Okay, so let's make the best of it and use our wonderful hobby as a distraction from the 800# gorilla. We can think about and work on our trains and layouts without any fears and even better though we can't have our weekly face-to-face meetings, we can have a running email thread about all the things we are doing in the hobby, sharing techniques, tips, and above all our friendships through the hobby.

Now about weathering, for engines and cars I use my airbrush, like Geoff, I think, a Paasche VLs and Floquil paints, the supply of which is dwindling. For wood structures I have developed a technique starting with a dark solvent stain over which I apply streaks of acrylic paints. This works very well and is very controllable.

My current project downstairs, (started yesterday), is the installation of stock pens (cattle and sheep) on my layout at Old Placerville. A Banta kit, I built the chutes in Florida and am currently laying out the corrals to fit the available area. See the photo below.

I have been working on a set of stock pens which is pretty much done except for sprinkling on some dirts over the Masonite base. The dirted area you see in the photos is a piece of cloth with dirt sprinkled on over a coat of paint, which I will not be using. Next project involves installing two bridges, one a railroad bridge the other a road bridge into Bakersville.

Bob Hamm
Stock pens
Bob Hamm
Bob Hamm
Bob Hamm
Bob Hamm
Bob Hamm
Bridges as referred to in text
Bob Hamm
Bridges as referred to in text

Hope all are hunkering down and staying home. Been busy myself. Installed two bridges, railroad and road, into Bakersville and put finishing details in Mineral Creek, which flows under them. The area is now done. Here are a couple of photos. On to the next project. Stay busy and safe

Here's a few shots of my latest project, the Katie Elaine mine. The mine itself was built by Rich Cobb for me some 35 years ago. I recently transplanted it to a new location starting about a month ago. Easiest to share it in Power Point.

Katie Elaine Mine PowerPoint

My latest project - Texaco Warehouse - Easiest to share it in Power Point.

Texaco Warehouse PowerPoint

Old Placerville - Well boys, it's done at least until I find something I want to change. Here are some photos.

Bob Hamm
Old Placerville
Bob Hamm
Fill 'er up
Bob Hamm
Texaco Warehouse
Bob Hamm
Leopard Creek
Bob Hamm
Morgan's Cafe & Bar
Bob Hamm
Texaco Fuel Tanks

Sunday June 14th - Hi Guys, Pushing hard on Matterhorn scenery. The background scenery is done. The attached photo shows a panorama of the area . Going from left to right the scene goes along one wall about 8 feet then around an inside corner and then six feet along the adjacent wall. Grassinated and added polyfiber with ground foam on top then planted the conifers, lots of them, likely around 300. May add some deciduous here and there. Super trees are my favorite. Track heads up on a 3 % grade on the left to the siding and wye at Matterhorn. Note the location of the Matterhorn Mill, (removed for the scenery work). The background is actually what you see looking east. Sheep Mountain is the big one to the right. The pointy one to the left of the "notch" is Vermilion Peak as well as Pilot Knob and Cocks Comb just to its left. There is a little settlement at Matterhorn, but mainly it is a camp for the mill workers and railroad folks. That is in the unfinished area in front of and to the right of the wye. Will be working on selecting/building the structures for Matterhorn and installing the mill, which is built. Hope to finish the area in total this summer. Bob

Bob Hamm
Matterhorn scenery

On July 16th Bob wrote - As most of you know I like to share my layout progress in historical (and sometimes hysterical) perspective. My latest completion is a place called Matterhorn and thanks for indulging me. Bob

My latest project - Matterhorn - Easiest to share it in Power Point.

Matterhorn PowerPoint

On August 14 Bob wrote - Hi guys, With the completion of Placerville the layout is completed as well, which is a huge plateau for me. So, I've put together a little show to celebrate. View in order; I hope you enjoy it. Bob

Bob Hamm
Placerville 1
Bob Hamm
Placerville 2
Bob Hamm
Placerville 3
Bob Hamm
Placerville 4

Bob Hamm
Placerville 5
Bob Hamm
Placerville 6
Bob Hamm
Placerville 7
Bob Hamm
Placerville 8

Bob Hamm
Placerville 9

On October 25th Bob wrote - Hi guys, Hope everyone is doing okay and staying safe. I have been working on my freight car forwarding system. I am using the old Doug Smith car card system. Basically this employs small envelopes lettered for each freight car and waybills that slip partially inside the envelopes signifying the load, and noting both the shipper and consignee. These, in turn, are placed in "set out" boxes at the industry when the car is delivered. I suspect many of you know this system or a variation there of. Well, it's pretty much complete with the car cards, over 100 waybills and almost all the holding boxes. (Three need to be completed; ran out of dry transfers; more on the way.) See the attached photos. And, (but wait there's more), I have tried a new matte finish spray varnish by Krylon. Works great! In my opinion a good substitute for Testor's Dullcote. 11 oz. vs. 3 oz. for about the same amount.

Take care and stay safe, Bob

Bob Hamm
Bob Hamm
Bob Hamm
Bob Hamm
Matte finish spray varnish by Krylon

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